
The purpose of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Endowment Fund is to enhance the work of the church by establishing new ministries and stewardship opportunities outside the normal operating budget of the congregation.

The Endowment Fund can be utilized in a number of ways, including benevolence projects, physical modifications, and special equipment purchases.  Past Endowment projects have included:

  • New audio equipment for the sanctuary
  • The grand piano utilized for worship 
  • Fund matches for several youth ministry projects
  • Worship Enrichment such as special speakers or events
  • Local food bank donations

Why give?

Giving to the Endowment Fund creates a legacy for future generations at LCR and funds in perpetuity the mission of Christ through our ministry.  An endowment is a type of investment fund – your donation goes towards the principal and remains intact, while investment income is available for disbursement.  As the principal grows, so do the earnings.
Additional benefits include current tax deductions for immediate gifts to the extent allowable by law. Gifts from an estate, IRA, life insurance policy, or Trust may also have tax advantages. 

How to Give

Immediate gifts may be given by check, online, or transfer of securities. We also welcome gifts of real estate which will be sold, with the net proceeds constituting the gift. In addition, the Endowment may be included  as a beneficiary of your will, life insurance policy or Trust.  


How to Request

Fund requests may be submitted by filling out the following form.  Requests are reviewed by the Board of Directors quarterly based on the guidelines set by the by-laws and the availability of funds.

Request Form