Church Council & Committees

The following is the list of Church Council members and several committees that serve the needs of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection congregation.



Tony Baumgardt (President), John Mantey (Vice President), Neil Honsberger (Secretary), Dawn Jacobson (Treasurer), Rachel Petrach, Stacey Robe, Jon Wint, Jeff Wunderle, Chris Mohalley



FINANCE Responsibilities: Conduct ongoing analysis of the congregations financial condition; oversee the development of, and adherence to, finance control; direct preparation of annual budget; establish financial and accounting policies; provide recommendations on external financing and investment of funds. Serve on a rotating basis counting offerings; keep accurate accounting of Memorial Funds. Members:  Dawn Jacobson (chair), Leah Krueger, Kim Mohalley, and Jay Weiss

STEWARDSHIP Members: 2 Committee Members from Finance, 2 Committee Members from Worship, 1 Committee Member from Parish Education, 1 Committee Member from Youth, and Pastor
WORSHIP  Responsibilities: Scheduling and/or overseeing of Acolytes, Nursery staff, Ushers, Lay Readers, Worship Assistants, Altar Group, Music, and RACY (Resurrection Arts and the Church Year) Members:
Stacey Robe (chair), Jeff Wunderle, Kathy Anderson, Sandy Georgeson, and Lisa Sell
BUILDING & GROUNDS Responsibilities: Maintenance and repair of the church building, grounds, and property. Members: Jon Wint (chair), Dan Pederson, Chris Mohalley and Glen Napier (Custodian)
COMMUNITY OUTREACH Responsibilities: Help members understand issues of potential concern to the congregation, community, nation and the world; work with other congregations, organizations, committees and special ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Greater Milwaukee Synod and the Racine Cluster in addressing issues of concern. Members:                       (chair)
FELLOWSHIP  Responsibilities: Implement New Member Receptions twice a year; coordinate new church direction periodically, provide opportunities for fellowship (Round table groups, Elderberries, Church Picnic, etc.); coordinate coffee hour for Sunday mornings. Members: 
YOUTH EXPERIENCE  Responsibilities: Oversee Sunday School, First Communion Instruction, Confirmation Instruction and Children’s Christmas program. Assist the Youth Director in coordinating, recruiting and chaperoning youth events. Members: Rachel Pertrach (chair), Connie Gardner, Carrie Black, Aaron Kozlik, Brittany Noe, Steve Dues, Toni Hayden
NOMINATING Members: Pastor(s), Rolling of Council Members
ENDOWMENT BOARD The Resurrection Endowment fund is a unique fund that the principle is NEVER spent. The investment income is used to compliment the church mission and support the community.

The principle is still growing as additional donations are received, most commonly through memorials, wills and estates. The fund has been around for over 20 years, and the original donations are still intact and generating investment income.  The investment income supports many projects and missions at LCR.  Members: Steve Jacobson (chair), Nicci D’Amour, Gayle Wint, Mary Hauch