About Us
OUR MISSION | What we do
Growing a Welcoming Community of Christ
OUR VALUES | What we stand for and believe
Community Service / Generosity
Freely Accepting of all people
Youth Support
Spiritual Accessibility / Variety
Willingness to Change
OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES | How we carry out our mission
Every space in our facility is regularly and purposefully used to share God’s love
Create a safe and innovative community for young people to experience God’s love
Welcome adults into authentic relationships with Jesus and each other
Every person is engaged in a community service or mission project every year
Build our culture and identity around our core values and mission
We are fortunate enough that LCR represents our name, Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. But how does this tell people who we are? We are motivated to Love Jesus, Change lives, and Reach Out to serve!
Read our Constitution here.
LCR is an ELCA Congregation